This is the first year holding the Da’wah contest. Ta’mir of Al-Kautsar mosque in Lamongan Shorebase, initiated this contest to allow participants to show off their public speaking skills and engage attendees in understanding more about the holy month of Ramadan. The local Ustadz was the judge during the competition; winners and runner ups were awarded with various interesting prizes.
Corporate News
Breakfasting with LS Staff
Every year, all our employees and customers eagerly await this event. With live music and food, this event brings everyone in Lamongan Shorebase together, promoting a spirit of togetherness and a sense of belonging. As the time to break fast draws closer, the event is opened with a prayer by the local Ustadz and followed by a short welcome speech from the management. Everyone is then invited to eat and encouraged to mingle with one another and give thanks to God for this holy month of Ramadan.
New Staff Office Opening
The New Staff Office is finally open after months of renovation. It is located on the top floor of the Semeru Building, and is an Open-Concept office.
We celebrate this opening as a new beginning, a fresh new start. We hope that with this new open concept, it will bring us closer as a company, and as a family.
We also wish everyone a Happy Rooster Chinese New Year!!
Tasha Rig
We are pleased to welcome our newest Rig Tasha to the shores of Lamongan Shorebase. Tasha was recently from a Petronas Site before coming to Lamongan Shorebase.
Tasha will be ‘Hot Stacking’ and is expected to stay with us for a period of up to 6 months. The rig is currently stationed 1.6km away from our shore, with a depth of 14m.
For the months ahead, welcome to Lamongan Shorebase.
Happy Holidays & New Year 2017
Lamongan Shorebase would like to wish all our employees and customers Happy Holidays and a very Happy New Year.
The new year is the time to make new resolutions and realize new dreams. May 2017 be a happier, better and prosper year for us all.
Independence Day Badminton
For this year’s Independence day, the Lamongan Shorebase Committee devised a Badminton Championship Cup for Singles and Doubles. All Lamongan Shorebase staff were allowed to join.
The sound of the loud roar of the crowd, the cheery supporters, the cries of men and women participating in the Badminton Cup; what better way to to celebrate Indonesia’s Independence day with the spirit and sportsmanship of Badminton.
Halal Bi Halal 2016
Halal Bi Halal is the time where people visit their elders, family, friends, neighbors, and work colleagues to ask for forgiveness and show respect to them. This is usually done after Idul Fitri.
The Halal Bi Halal is held at the Elang Mas Training Center, with an open garden. More than 300 people attended the event, including our customers such as Haliburton, Petronas, Pertamina, Exxon, BP, and others.
It was a day to seek reconciliation and preserve harmonious relations by spending the rest of the evening dining, chatting and singing together.
Trinity Explorer Fender Repairs
Late in the evening, the Operations department received an urgent job from Trinity Explorer, one of our customer’s Supply Vessel.
The vessel’s fender was apparently damaged and needed emergency repairs to ensure that the vessel does not damage the jetty, or itself due to the unpredictable movement of the tides.
Our Lifting Specialist and his crew of riggers/banksmen rushed on-scene and was able to lift the fenders out and repair them before any damage could take place.
LS Break Fasting 2016
Fasting lets us experience a little of what less privileged people throughout the world go through on a daily basis, and allows us to better ourselves through sharing and compassion.
Every year at Lamongan Shorebase, we celebrate the holy month of Ramadan together. This year however, we invited the children from Rumah Pintar, an orphanage that we constantly engage with, to come and dine with us. The opening prayers were conducted by these children.
We sang, danced, and dined together, like one big happy family.
Pertamina Badminton Friendly Match
The Pertamina Friendly Match consisted of 5 pairs per side; 5 from Team Lamongan Shorebase and 5 from Pertamina. Each pair had to face off all the opposing team’s pairs.
It was a fun and enjoyable match, both Pertamina and Lamongan Shorebase playing together not for competition, but for fun and sportsmanship.
We hope to play with Pertamina and all our customers in the future.